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The testimony (LA ILAAHA ILLA ALLAH ) comprises two concepts: Denial and Affirmation.


The testimony of faith denies the attribute of divinity to anyone and anything other than Allah – the Exalted. All those other than Allah, such as the angels, the Prophets, and the rest of Mankind, let alone the idols and the political regimes in the world, are not gods and thus don’t deserve to be worshipped.


The testimony of faith affirms and restricts divinity to Allah alone. That is, the slave must believe that Allah is the only true God, and accordingly dedicate no act of worship to any, other than Allah.


A confession with your tongue but a heartfelt belief, “O Allah! I testify that Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is Your Messenger.” That means that none has the right to be followed after Allah, but the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) as he is the Last of His Messengers. As Allah said:

Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is not the father on any man amongst you but he is the Messenger of Allah and the last (end) of the Prophets and Allah is Ever All Aware of everything.” (V.33:40)

“And whatsoever the Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him) gives you, take it and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain from it.” (V.59:7)

And Allah said: “Say (O Muhammad) (to mankind) ‘if you (really) love Allah, then follow me’.” (V.3:31)

As for the others than Muhammad (Peace be upon him) their statements are to be taken or rejected as to whether these are in accordance with Allah’s Book (i.e. the Quran) or with the Sunnah (legal ways, orders, acts of worship, statements etc.,) of the Prophet (Peace be upon him), or not.


1. Knowledge, which consists of recognizing Allah as the only true God to Whom worship must be dedicated, and denouncing all gods worshipped beside Allah as false, and that they can neither extend benefit nor cause harm.

2. Certainty that the belief in Allah must be unblemished with any doubt.

3. Acceptance: That is, to accept all the conditions of the declaration.

4. Submission: That is, to fulfill its conditions submissively and willingly being content with Allah as the Rabb (only Lord) and Muhammad (Peace be upon him) as His last Prophet and Messenger.

5. Truthfulness: That is, to fulfill its requirements truthfully.

6. Sincerity: That is, to be sincere in worshipping Allah, dedicating all acts of worship to Him alone.

7. The love of Allah – the Exalted, and the love of His Messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him), and the love of Allah’s devotees and the people of His obedience, which means love of all Muslims

Finally it should be borne in mind that Allah must be obeyed, by following His commands and refraining from His prohibitions. Obedience to Allah must be associated with loving Him, fearing His punishment, and hoping for His reward, seeking His forgiveness and adhering to the teachings of His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) – the last of Allah’s Messengers. The Shari’ah (the laws and religious rites) of Muhammad (PBUH) abrogates all other preceding laws and religious rites and this comprises the best of every preceding Shari’ah.

SOURCE: Islam-for-kids

The Room

<Do you spend time flashing back at where you have been, how you acted, who you have offended etc? We should! After reading this, I felt lesson so hard, that i saw myself doing the same. So i thought should share it .Hopefully it will help you think and redirect yourself towards a better life>

In that place between wakefulness and dreams, I found myself in a room. There were no distinguishing features save for the one wall covered with small indexcard files. They were like the ones in libraries that list titles by author or subject in alphabetical order. But these files, which stretched from floor to ceiling and seemingly endlessly in either direction, had very different headings. As I drew near the wall of files, the first to catch my attention was one that read “People I Have Liked.” I opened it and began flipping through the cards. I quickly shut it, shocked to realize that I recognized the names written on each one.

And then without being told, I knew exactly where I was.

This lifeless room with its small files was a crude catalog system for my life. Here were written the actions of my every moment, big and small, in a detail my memory could not match. A sense of wonder and curiosity, coupled with horror, stirred within me as I began randomly opening files and exploring their content. Some brought joy and sweet memories; others a sense of shame and regret so intense that I would look over my shoulder to see if anyone was watching.

A file named “Friends” was next to one marked “Friends I Have Betrayed.” The titles ranged from the mundane to the outright weird. “Books I Have Read,” “Lies I Have Told,” “Comfort I Have Given,” “Jokes I Have Laughed At.”

Some were almost hilarious in their exactness: “Things I’ve Yelled at My Brothers.”

Others I couldn’t laugh at: “Things I Have Done in My Anger,” “Things I Have Muttered Under My Breath at My Parents.” I never ceased to be surprised by the contents. Often there were many more cards than I expected. Sometimes fewer than I hoped.

I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the life I had lived. Could it be possible that I had the time in my 30 years to write each of these thousands or even millions of cards? But each card confirmed this truth. Each was written in my own handwriting. Each signed with my signature.

When I pulled out the file marked “Songs I Have Listened To,” I realized the files grew to contain their contents. The cards were packed tightly, and yet after two or three yards, I hadn’t found the end of the file. I shut it, shamed, not so much by the quality of music, but more by the vast amount of time I knew that file represented.

When I came to a file marked “Lustful Thoughts,” I felt a chill run through my body. I pulled the file out only an inch, not willing to test its size, and drew out a card. I shuddered at its detailed content. I felt sick to think that such a moment had been recorded.

An almost animal rage broke on me. One thought dominated my mind: “No one must ever see these cards! No one must ever see this room! I have to destroy them!”

In an insane frenzy I yanked the file out. Its size didn’t matter now. I had to empty it and burn the cards. But as I took it at one end and began pounding it on the floor, I could not dislodge a single card. I became desperate and pulled out a card, only to find it as strong as steel when I tried to tear it. Defeated and utterly helpless, I returned the file to its slot. Leaning my forehead against the wall, I let out a long, self-pitying sigh.

And then I saw it.

The title bore “People that I Have Taught About Allah”. The handle was brighter than those around it, newer, almost unused. I pulled on its handle and a small box not more than three inches long fell into my hands. I could count the cards it contained on one hand.

And then the tears came. I began to weep. Sobs so deep that the hurt started in my stomach and shook through me. I fell on my knees and cried. I cried out of shame, from the over-whelming shame of it all. The rows of file shelves swirled in my tear-filled eyes. No one must ever, ever know of this room.

I must lock it up and hide the key.

This story was originally written for a Christian audience by Joshua Harris, in his book “I Kissed Dating Goodbye”.

SOURCE: http://www.themodernreligion.com/room.html

10 Habits of Highly Effective Muslim Wives

Source-Motoya Nakamura / The Oregonian

After my husband wrote the “10 Habits of Highly Effective Muslim Husbands,” he thought it would be interesting to add the other perspective.

So, I made a list of 10 habits that my husband has commented on over time that has produced positive changes in our relationship.  He is right, the first year of marriage is really about adapting and compromise.  We are shown our terrible habits (how did our parents put up with us?) and overtime you do fall into a groove.

But, don’t get too comfortable in your routine.  Adding some spice and maintaining some good habits will make a very successful and enjoyable marriage.  Some of these habits are similar to the “Muslim Husband Habits” but, some are just for us, girls.

1.      Stay Healthy and Get Outside!

This is by far the most important habit a Muslim Wife can do to make a successful marriage.   Before marriage, my husband and I were both active people.  He was an extreme biker and I played basketball for almost 10 years before we met.  After marriage and the onset of chores, work and family obligations, time for staying healthy was becoming low on our priority scale.

Over time, we both forgot the initial attraction we had for one another – an active, healthy lifestyle.  An active lifestyle brings many benefits from  clearing the mind from trivial matters to enjoying each other’s company in a different way.

As we have brought the active lifestyle back into our lives, we both realize we learn a lot about each other through activity.  For example, on our hikes we see the other person’s stamina and determination, in playing basketball, we see our competitiveness side, and in our daily walks we see each other’s stillness and appreciation for nature.

It is by far a crucial aspect of our relationship and one that really keeps us connected, alhamdulillah.

2.      Listen and Be Supportive

One of the best things a Muslim Wife can do for her husband is be supportive.  We all know the famous story of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him; after receiving revelation, he came straight home to his nurturing wife, Sayyidina Khadija, may Allah be pleased with her.  She wasn’t on the phone with her girlfriend nor was she too busy on the computer, she was ready to comfort and listen.

For me, this starts as soon as your husband comes home through the door.  Greeting your husband with a salaam, a smile and a hug is sure to set a peaceful atmosphere right away.

A Muslim Wife is attentive to her husband’s needs.  If he is holding something in his hands, like groceries, take them from him, hand him a glass of juice or have some fruit or snacks readily available.  These small gestures show simple kindness and goes a long way.

If your husband had a hard day at work, the initial greeting will soothe him.  Thereafter, if he needs to vent about his boss or co-worker, listen to him.  A good listener asks questions, makes good eye contact and reassures with nods and affection.  Initially, take his side!  If things are said that you don’t agree with, wait until a better time to give advice.  The first initial response he is looking for is support and kindness from his wife, even if he is wrong.  Thereafter, of course you can give advice and guide.

Another tip – remember names of people your husband says.  A week later after the work problem is over, simply ask your husband, “Is everything okay with Michael, now?” He will be happy that you really listened by remembering names.

So, lend a good ear and your hearts will come closer together.

3.      Be Creative – Change is Good!

We like to change things around in our apartment every season.  This is as simple as changing the furniture into a different position, changing hanging pictures or de-cluttering old knick knacks.

Over time, my husband and I have become minimalists.  We like the clean counter-tops, things put away in drawers and cupboards, and we have a new distaste for random objects.  So, we minimize every season by giving away clothes, dishes and books.

We also change our “usual” eating spots at the table and seating in the living room.  We change our chores around too.  I usually cook and he washes the dishes, but lately we have been cooking together and then sharing the dishes too (I soap while he rinses).

We have about four or five home-cooked meals that we both enjoy and we basically just rotate them week to week.  But, after a while we add a new dish to the mix.  I’ll learn something new from mom or a girl friend and surprise him with it one night.

Small changes creates new growth and stimulation to your relationship without falling into boredom and we always feel like “we’ve just moved in” every time we change things around.

4.      Engage in Good Conversation – Learn New Things

Engaging in meaningful dialogue that does not consist of talking about family, friends or every day matters can boost your marriage.

Very easily we can fall into talking about what’s happening in our lives right now, which is fine and needed.  However, your relationship truly grows and tests new boundaries when you learn new things and share them with your spouse.

My husband shares new things he is always learning from blogging, marketing and computer stuff.  To be honest, this is foreign to me.  But, it is something that he is motivated by and by listening to him I have learned a lot of interesting things about it (and he has convinced me to write this article for example, lol.)

It’s nice to talk about the books or articles I’ve read and thought about with my husband so I can gain his perspective, learn about him and enrich my own.  At times, when we disagree on a topic, our persuasive strategies kick in, allowing for a good debate.

When other temporary things fall away that make you happy – a good conversation can last a life-time.

5.      Be Alive and Excited about Life

Do you remember the first time you met your husband?  Probably one of those awkward meetings or something.  But, I remember both of us being alive and happy.  We tried to look our best and be interesting too.  I don’t remember either of us letting all of our problems out!

I’ve met a few sisters in the last little while that exude a certain kind of sadness or worry or fear that they don’t even realize that they exude.  They actually walk around with a frown!

They might have a problem or concern that of course makes them look and feel a certain way, but over time if the sad state continues it can really dampen the best of relationships.

Yes, the honeymoon phase (they say it’s the two year mark) can reach it’s end – but it doesn’t have to!  If you find yourself bored and sad, then it is really up to you to make a change in the relationship.  If you are seriously upset about something, then seek help!

There are so many things to be excited and alive about in the world!  You might need a change in your circle of friends (who really do have a big influence on how you see and do things) or you might need a new hobby or need to get outside and get fresh air on a regular basis.

Being energetic and happy and willing to try new things with your husband is an important aspect of marriage.  Being grumpy and unmotivated can lead to a whole bunch of problems for both of you.  Find a new friend or a new hobby or a new book and get excited about life.  Your husband will notice the energy and cheerfulness in you and you could change the atmosphere of your home and relationship just by changing your mood.

6.      Have One Good Girl Friend (Or Mom) – Share your Problems with Grace

There are some things that you just need to tell a girl friend because she will just understand and some things you can only tell your husband and it is important to know the difference.

It is very easy to get so comfortable with our husbands that we share some  things with them that they really could be spared.  There is a certain kind of respect and dignity a husband needs to have.  And, sisters, there is a certain level of respect and dignity he also has for you, too.

I have seen too many times, sisters complaining about other sisters, their clothes or their characters to their husbands.  Please don’t do this!  Sharing secrets or worse the flaws of other sisters to your husbands is a big no-no, especially if the sister confided in you.  Even though you and your husband are a pair, your sister friend should not feel that everything she tells you is going straight to the husband!

This is not only gossip and forbidden in Islam, but boring and undignified to your husband.  Instead, having a good girl friend or even your mom or someone else you trust provides an excellent outlet to let out frustrations that can dampen a marriage or a husband’s mood or respect for you.

In the same vein, sisters should not tell other sisters their husband’s secrets!  It’s okay to seek advice but not in a way that can make your husband lose respect in front of your friend.

Your husband can be your best friend and will be with you to the very end, inshaAllah.  It is not worth it to lose your husband and what matters to him over a friend who no matter how close they are, can end up not being there for you in the end.

7.      Dress Up and Smell Good – Take Care of Your Outward and Inward Appearance

Finally, after years of searching for the “one” you are married!  You look into the face of your spouse and you think, “so it was you” that I was meant to marry.  And, the marriage chapter of your life begins.

Marriage is “half our deen” and now that there is this one man in your life, this is your chance to make it everything you’ve ever dreamed of.  And one fun thing a Muslim Wife can do is simply dress up and smell good.

I always think it’s interesting that sisters (and brothers) can be “frumpy” in their homes but as soon as they step out of the door they dress up and go all out.  Very often we dress up for the world (strangers who we don’t know or at our workplace) and sometimes we just let ourselves go in front of  family and our spouses.

I think it’s great that couples get so comfortable with each other that they can stay in their pajamas all day.  But, sisters, simply dressing up and smelling good can really uplift your husband’s appreciation of you and may make him dress up and smell good for you too.

If you are a stay-at-home sister/mom, yeah you can stay in your pajamas all day – but if you know your husband is coming home at 5:30, then change into something nice and put on some perfume at 5:00!

Taking care of personal hygiene and working on yourself inwardly is sure to add to your overall character.  Reading Quran, catching up on a Islamic lecture, praying and making heartfelt dua’a all add to the beauty of you.

So, strike a balance between the outward and the inward appearance of you and watch the positive benefits come into your marriage and family.

8.      Be Affectionate – Don’t Hold Back Your Love

I think culturally, many sisters can bring a lot of baggage to their marriages and it is not our fault because it’s the way we’ve all grown up.

Some of us have been too immersed in Western culture and seen all the movies that we have expectations of our husbands to act a certain way or we are the complete opposite where we have been so sheltered that marriage and the thought of living with a boy (when you are married) is strange and almost – wrong!

And, it is strange.  All of our lives, sisters grow up in the homes of parents only to leave them (quite suddenly) to live with a complete stranger (most people only know each other for a short while before they get married.)

But, the truth of the matter is that marriage is a noble sunnah that is one of the most beautiful aspects of our deen.  And, one of the best things a Muslim Wife can do is to be affectionate, even if it has to be learned over time.  This is your husband now.  The one man that you married and will be married to for ever, inshaAllah.  Be affectionate with your husband, whatever that means to you, and the affection will lead to a closer and more connected relationship.

Human touch, whether it be holding hands or a hug, leads to Mercy (Rahma) in relationships whether it is with your husband, sister friends or even your parents.  So, be affectionate often and reap the benefits.

9.      Go the Extra Mile – He’ll Notice (Hopefully)

Going the extra mile means doing something for your husband that goes above and beyond what he expects of you.

If he asked you to make a meal for his family, it means you go all out and make the dishes with care and effort.

If you are going out for a special day, it means you take time to find the right outfit and perhaps wear it a bit differently than he is used to.  It could mean sending him a random text message to say you are thinking of him or a random e-card.

It could mean spending extra time listening to him talk to you about his concerns without you changing the subject.  It could mean baking home-made cookies, inviting him on a special day you have planned, making him a gift or cleaning his desk space.

It could mean wearing earrings if you normally don’t at home, or giving him free time to work-out or for his hobby, or even helping him get ready in the morning with a packed lunch with a nice note inside.

The ideas are endless and with a bit of extra time and effort, your husband will appreciate the little details you’ve paid attention to, inshaAllah.

10. Say “Thank You” – Be Grateful for Small and Big Things

One of the hadiths that scare me to death is the one that says, “The majority of hell is made up of women who were ungrateful to their husbands.” Yikes!

So, say thank you every night to your husband before you go to sleep for anything and everything that he has done for you.  Don’t overlook things you have got used to like him buying groceries, helping out with dishes, listening to your problems or simply going to work everyday.

Remember the big things and the small things and soon all small things will turn into big things for you, inshaAllah.

Thank him sincerely: “Thank you for helping with the dishes because it really cuts the time out I have to spend in the kitchen.” Rather than simply saying thank you, explain yourself to him and tell him why it’s important to you and that you noticed.

He will feel happy that he could help and may make him feel like doing it even more for you!  Most importantly, give thanks to Allah, most Generous, and He will increase your marriage even more, inshaAllah.

Parting Thoughts

This list is a reminder first to myself before I send them to you.  All of these are from experience of being married for almost three years now.  You may agree or disagree, but these are just some things that have helped the both of us over time.

And, we are always learning and growing and making mistakes, alhamdulillah, it’s all part of the journey.  Feel free to share more insight or your own tips with us in the comments below.

InshaAllah, may Allah pour blessing upon blessing into all our marriages!  Ameen!


Interview with Shareefah Andu -Life of a muslimah

This is one of muslimah i had always admired. She is based in Lagos Nigeria, a wife mother and entrepreneur. So read along and learn one or two ideas or ideal about being a true muslimah.

Three words best describe Shareefah Andu: Determined, driven and a goal getter. She opens up to Nkarenyi Ukonu on her life and all of the things she is involved in.

Shareefah Andu is every inch a Muslim woman and this is made all the more obvious by her veiled hair. But besides the veiled hair, her dress sense even though simple still makes her come across as a stylish person who doesn‘t compromise on good quality, vintage and timeless pieces of apparel.

She says, ”I wasn‘t covering my hair until 12 years ago. I went for hajj in 1998 and by then I was ready to do things the way the Quran spells it out, that a woman should cover her hair so that she will be noted as a Muslim and she will not be molested. Just like the Catholic nuns who will never go anywhere with their hair uncovered.

”So for me, it is the religious level I have gotten to that informed my choice to have my hair covered and still be stylish at the same time. I want to be seen to be coordinated, I don‘t just want people to see my hair covered, I want them to notice that it has been stylishly covered. I also think it suits me.”

Covering her hair and being stylish at the same time is not all there is to Abeokuta, Ogun State born Andu. The sociology graduate of the University of Ibadan is in fact many things rolled in one. Starting out as a journalist in charge of the children‘s pages in Nigerian Tribune Newspaper, she rose through the ranks to head the women‘s desk and after four years left for the banking industry for want of something more challenging to do and to earn something commensurate to her hard work. Berthing at Equitorial Trust Bank, she later left for the then Trans International Bank from where she decided to leave to run her own show. ”I decided to just stop working for anyone because I felt there were other things I could do. I started my business called Arabel because I found a vacuum to be filled. There were no shops where high quality Islamic materials were sold then, so I took the plunge, convinced that the business would do well,” 48 year old Andu explains.

Even though the shop which has been in existence for 12 years has become a success story, the restless soul that Andu is sought for other ventures that were intellectually stimulating rather than just doing buying and selling which she felt any green horn could do. ”In my fantasy, I feel as if I am a cloud, and can‘t be pinned down somewhere, I just like to express myself and do things my own way. I eventually went back to writing.

”I think I get a lot of fulfilment from writing and I think I should have remained in that profession all along but you know, God has a way of working things out for everybody. So in 2004, I wrote a Muslim book and the printer made a mistake, he just didn‘t get it right so I burnt the 2000 copies. I put in a lot of effort and wanted the production to be right, because if it isn‘t, people won‘t read it and all my efforts would have gone to waste.

”I would personally not read a book that isn‘t well produced, no matter what the content of the book is. I knew I had to do something really good, so I took it to another printer where I came across the daily devotional, something that isn‘t available in Islam and I knew there would be a need for it. Living in the light of Allah is quite popular and people love it.”

Not one to rest on her oars, she sought another void to fill. Andu whose way of life is guided by being genuinely kind, just and helpful to people decided to add another publication to her kitty. After writing and publishing the daily devotional for six years, she decided to start a bi-monthly life style magazine called Zephyr. ”I decided to write for everyone instead of just concentrating solely on Muslims. I saw another need to be met. I see a lot of magazines that are sectional, not all embracing and I wanted something that had an element of everything, something one would enjoy reading.”

In actual fact, the idea to float a lifestyle magazine was formed about four years earlier but the production was stalled for want of a proper and befitting name. A yet to be registered name, Zephyr meaning soft gentle wind was eventually chosen for it. ”It sounded nice, powerful, exotic and meaningful. I had decided within me that if the name was available, then that meant that God was speaking to me to go ahead with the magazine but if it wasn‘t, then it meant I would have to drop the idea of floating a magazine forever. Luckily it was available.”

Just two months old, Andu says of the magazine, ”The reception has been wonderful, people have started to accept it, they love it very much and it has been encouraging. I believe it is going to be everywhere and I say with all sense of modesty that with time, it would be very unstylish not to have a copy of Zephyr.” Asked why the magazine is bi-monthly, she says, ”Because I have my hands in a lot of pies. I decided to test run it on a bi-monthly basis to see how it would turn out but I intend for it to become a monthly magazine eventually.”

Somewhat a surprise that a hardcore Muslim like her doesn‘t shy away from expressing her inner self or fantasy in whatever form without any inhibitions, she tries to debunk the notion. ”I don‘t think Islam has anything to do with trying to suppress one‘s fantasy and I do not think Muslims should have any inhibitions about anything. I haven‘t done anything that is un-Islamic, everything I have done is within Islamic injunctions. Everything I have done is what anyone can do regardless of what religion you practise. I am not a timid person, I am a goal getter.”

Continuing, Andu who lived a comfortable life growing up because her mother, Shifaa Adebimpe provided for them says, ”My mother always told myself and my only sister that there is nothing we cannot do. I remember the first time I was going to drive to Ibadan from Lagos, I was so scared, but my mum talked me into it saying I could do it. She encourages us to do anything. So right from a very young age, taking bold steps has always been a part of me, there is nothing I want to do that I cannot do as long as it isn‘t obscene, illegal or unethical.

”I know people who have worked in about eight, nine places in about 12 years. I try to stay at least five years in one place but I just get so restless I have to do more because I believe that the human capacity is so elastic, we don‘t use 40 per cent of what we can actually do. We can stretch ourselves. I know I can still stretch myself and I can still keep going.”

Wondering how she finds the time to do all of the things she is involved in and if she ever makes out time to unwind, Andu who isn‘t biased about having members of staff who are Christians offers. ”I don‘t know how, I just know that I get them done. When you love to do something, you don‘t feel it is a big chore. I like to work, work is like a stimulant for me. But really why are we here, to just eat, sleep, go to parties? You have to be able to do things and see that you are doing things. For me that is what I enjoy doing and then I read a lot, comics especially. I only go to parties as a matter of obligation, if I have my way, I won‘t attend any because I do not really enjoy parties.”

She considers her greatest challenge to be when she mismanaged funds at the initial stage of her business. ”It was the most challenging period of my life but I came out of it stronger and better experienced. I just knew that there would always be light at the end of a tunnel, so I held on to that as it gave me confidence that I would survive and get over it, and I did.”

Even though she feels her best is yet to come, she however feels that one singular daring move she has ever made in her life was when she went on a tour of the South-West by road. ”I think that tour was one of the reasons I got broke in the first instance. I was on the road for one month. I hired a big truck, costing N500,000 to ferry a big container of Islamic stuffs I brought in from Dubai and I was going from place to place exhibiting them with big media coverage. I was just having fun trying to build a brand but for people, that wasn‘t a way to run a business.”

SOURCE: PUNCH online by By Nkarenyi Ukonu



Written by Dr. Shahid Athar

After my presentation on sex education guidelines for Muslim youth and parents at the Islamic Center in Toledo, Ohio, in 1992, many questions were asked by Muslim youth. The Toledo Muslim community is progressive, affluent and has an even mixture of Arab and Indo-Pakistani immigrants.

I compiled all the written questions submitted to me, answered them to the best of my knowledge, and then sent the questions to the late Dr. Mahmood Abu Saud, the well-known scholar, for a second opinion. He did not know my answers. Some of the answers have already been published in the Islamic Monitor, the magazine of the Islamic Society of Toledo, in English and Arabic.

After each question, Dr. Abu Saud’s reply and my reply are given for comparison.

1. Please explain the importance of hijab: What is the degree of sin if mature Muslim sister does not wear a dress properly (cover her head, etc.)?

Abu Saud: The word “hijab” is used in the Holy Quran in its linguistic original sense, i.e., a barrier, something to separate two things from one another. The Prophet’s wives were ordered by God to observe hijab, meaning not to face all mature males who are entitled to marry them. They had to speak to such males from behind a curtain or a door so nobody would see them.
In our times, the word is usually used to indicate the dress of a woman in accordance with the Islamic requirements. What is definite for man and woman is that neither gender should dress or act in a way that is intended to attract the attention of the opposite sex. By instinct, males are more attracted to females’ bodies than vice versa. Accordingly, Islam ordained that women should not show of their bodies what would particularly attract the attention of males. Besides, they should not show of their adornment other than that conventionally shown by women in an Islamic society.
As for the degree of sin, it depends upon the degree of violating these rules and the intention of the female who violates them. There are no fast rules determining the details of how to dress and cover other than to be modest and not show off.

Athar: hijab is an injunction from God (33:59). The extent of hijab can be questioned. However, obeying/disobeying an injunction altogether is a reflection of the faith of the person. The degree of sin or forgiving is up to the Law Maker

2. When one is engaged, are you allowed to go out with your Fiancee?

Abu Saud: Yes, provided there is no touching, necking and no staying behind closed doors or in a place where they would not be seen by others. Engagement in Islam is not a contract of marriage binding on either party .

Athar: No, not alone, unless a third adult member of the family is present, i.e., brother, sister or one of the parents.

3. Can a Muslim marry someone his parents disapprove of?

Abu Saud: Yes, as long as the marrying person is legally entitled to marriage.

Athar: Yes, however, one must find out why the parent(s) object to this marriage, as maybe they are right. Is the person you plan to marry an alcoholic, a drug dealer, a pimp? This is not a question of your or your parents’ right but a question of your communications with your parents.

4. What are your views on Muslim teens (boys/girls) talking socially?

Abu Saud: It is healthy for boys and girls to talk and socialize as long as they do that within the Islamic moral code: no obscenity, no touching, no secret appointments, etc. They should talk socially in order to know each other as ordained by God in Quran (Surah al-Hujrat). However, one must be careful about what this social talking leads to.

Athar: They should talk socially in order to know each other as ordained by God in the Quran (Surah al-Hujrat). However, one must be careful in what this social talking leads to.

5. If you think abortion is murder, then what would happen if it were illegal? Ladies would do it at home, punch themselves in the stomach, and then they and the babies would die.

Abu Saud: Most of the Muslim jurists do not think that abortion before the end of the third month is murder, although they declare it reprehensible unless there is a legitimate justification. If it is illegal, then it is the woman’s problem; she should have taken enough precaution not to get pregnant.

Athar: A crime is a crime, no matter how noble your intention is and means to achieve it. In this case both fetus and mother may die (a double crime).

6. According to statistics, the majority of teenagers who do not even have orgasm when they have sex. The orgasm they get is when they talk about it in the locker room.

Abu Saud: If so, why have sex? Orgasm is the acme of sexual pleasure. However, talking about it simply arouses the instinct and does not help in sublimating the desire. Granted, girls and boys cannot avoid thinking of it, but it would be more healthy to talk about it in the open with a responsible person, although in such cases, most probably there will be no orgasm.

Athar: Not true! Orgasm is related to duration and extent of foreplay and not intensity of sex. In the locker room, they can pretend they have orgasm to impress others.

7. How does one go about finding a suitable practicing Muslim spouse?

Abu Saud: Islamically speaking, both boys and girls are entitled to propose to the other sex. Thus, frequent gatherings of Muslims allow you to talk to whomever you feel like being your mate, one or more, take their addresses and write to them, invite them into your house and keep your parents informed of what you are doing. Attend youth conferences. Try to participate in discussions and lectures so as to expose yourself and become noticeable. You may also publish an advertisement in Islamic Horizon.

Athar: Stay in the community of practicing Muslims, doing things in the community in which you are known, and let your friends and family know that you are ready and available. Once you find one, let him/her know indirectly that you like him/her, preferably through your parents.

8. You are giving the wrong idea to the parents. You are making them think when girls and boys are friends, it is bad … WHY?

Abu Saud: When boys and girls work together for doing good, they become friends. When they meet in public such as in conferences, youth camps and in study rooms and the like, they become friends. When boys and girls start meeting in hiding, or in secrecy without informing their guardians, when they start to touch each other’s bodies, when they start a love affair, even without sleeping together, this is not an innocent friendship, and should he discouraged.

Athar: I did not give this idea. See answer #4.

9. You talk about monogamy. Our society in the Muslim world is not monogamous but polygamous. They are allowed to have four wives. Those are their right to possess as well as slaves.

Abu Saud: There is no question to answer, but the above statement is a wrong point of view. Polygamy is not common in the Muslim world, although it exists. There are strict terms set in the Quran on marrying more than one woman, and they are really difficult to observe. However, a woman can always indicate in her marriage contract that she would not accept to be with another wife. and can even insist on an important compensation in case she is divorced for no fault of her own. Whatever the case may be, to have another wife is much better than to have a mistress. If in the inquirer’s view, polygamy is slavery, the second wife should not accept it.

Athar: Muslim society in the Muslim world is by practice monogamous. There is less than one percent polygamy, and that is by permission and not injunction. In the West, men who can control their desire, have one wife and one to four mistresses. Also in the West, they practice polygamy but not at the same time, i.e., cycle of marriage, divorce, marriage and divorce several times in their lives.

10. Is there any harm in men and women sitting together, in this lecture hall for instance. It seems natural that a family sit together with other family and friends. We seem to do this everywhere except here.

Abu Saud: There is no harm in men and women sitting together. They used to do so in the days of the Prophet, and the books of hadith are full of such instances. You are right in your observation, and it is for you and others of some moral courage and clean thoughts to stand up and DO JUST THAT: SIT TOGETHER.

Athar: Islam believes in separation of sexes in social gatherings unless people are mahram to each other (see Surah Ahzab and Surah Nur). This is natural, even in secular schools, that girls like to sit, walk or play with girls rather than boys. Unnecessary social mixing may lead to other wrongs. The Creator of the human body knows what is good for us and we don’t.

11. What should a Muslim boy do if he is constantly rejected when he proposes?

Abu Saud: He must be following the wrong approach and procedure, or there must be something basically wrong with him. Counseling would be very useful in this case.

Athar: He should find out why he/she is being rejected. Maybe it is the way he/she proposed, etc.

12. What is the Islamic rule concerning masturbation?

Abu Saud: There is no authentic text prohibiting masturbation, although it is reprehensible on account of two man factors: It leads to sexual arousal and more desire, and it actually affects the health, especially for boys. Sex is like any other natural instinct in that the more you think of it, the more it is accentuated. Generally speaking, humans sublimate and administer their instincts. We want to possess, but we work and earn; we want to eat, but we control our eating habits: and we want to have sex, but we marry.

Athar: Masturbation is considered makruh (detestable) in Islam; i.e., it is between lawful and permitted. Some scholars of the past have permitted it to students and soldiers who are single in a non-Muslim society where temptation is high, in order to save them from adultery. The medical harms are not confirmed.

13. If you are an unmarried Muslim girl and pregnant, what choices do you have: Abortion, adoption, etc.?

Abu Saud: The first option is to marry the father of the child. The second is to have an abortion in the first three months of pregnancy. The third is to keep the child, and the fourth is to give him/her up for adoption providing the child keeps his father’s name.

Athar: Abortion if the health of the mother is physically or mentally threatened; otherwise, carry to term, then adoption or even marriage with the boy if possible. Hopefully, Muslim girls don’t come to this difficult stage and marry beforehand. If they are ready for sex, they should be ready for marriage.

14. In what circumstances are abortions allowed and are we Muslims allowed to use contraceptives?

Abu Saud: About abortion, see question #6. About contraceptives, they are allowed in Islam by explicit statement of the Prophet (PBUH) where he did not forbid coitus interruptis.

Athar: Abortions are not allowed unless it is a matter of rape and incest, and the health of the mother is concerned. Chemical contraceptives, i. e ., birth control for married women, is allowed though not promoted because of its many medical side effects.

15. What is the right age to get married in this society?

Abu Saud: There is no fast rule fixing such an age. When a person is mature enough, can live independently and is ready to meet the responsibilities of marriage, he/she can marry.

Athar: In this society, about a million girls get pregnant each year, and if they were married, they would not be counted in teenage pregnancy statistics. This right age is when you are ready to marry. If you have achieved puberty, then you must abstain from sex until you think you are ready for marriage. Otherwise, you may fall into the sin of premarital sex.

16. How does one go about proposing to either a boy or a girl?

Abu Saud: If you know the person, simply talk about your desire to get married and wait for the reaction. Then, if the reaction is positive, just express your desire to engage the person. If the answer is positive again, inform both families and arrange for the “official” engagement.

Athar: You let him/her know your intention to marry him/her, through your parents or trusted friends.

17. 1 see a lot of women in this hall without hijab. We know this is against Islam and against the Prophet’s teaching. I would like to know why.

Abu Saud: The answer depends on what you do mean by hijab (see question #I). If it is only uncovering of hair while the body is well covered, then the question is controversial. Slave women during the days of the Prophet even used to pray without covering their hair. Men never were seen uncovering their hair in public, but that was a societal convention. The idea of covering hair is the same as covering the adornment and the body of the woman. In simple words, as women are very proud of their hair and do consider it a part of their beauty that attracts the attention of men, it is then supposed to be covered.

Athar: See answer #I.

18. All religions prohibit premarital sex and consider that as sin. Why don’t all religious leaders put their point across to the government and not leave this subject to the big “L” liberals?

Abu Saud: Because sex in the society in which we live is liberal; and accordingly, the government elected by the people is liberal.

Athar: Government does not control personal expressions or emotions. The good and bad, and right and wrong have to be recognized and accepted individually.

19. Is abortion allowed if the life of the woman is in danger and/or you have amniocentesis and find the child could be handicapped/ Down’s syndrome?

Abu Saud: If there is danger for the mother, abortion would be allowed. If there will definitely be a congenital defect, then the matter depends on the degree of this defect. If it is so serious that the child will not be able to function at all, or will not be able to live on his own, then the question is controversial. In all cases, if abortion takes place in the first three months (that is, four months from the last period), it may be carried out.

Athar: Yes, under medical decision.

20. What if you want a child but don’t want to get married?

Abu Saud: Adopt a child according to the Islamic rules: Mainly, keep the child’s father’s name and no inheritance. He will never be YOUR child.

Athar: You will have to have another man’s sperm, which is adultery. When the child is born, he/she would like to know the father. What will you tell him/her that will satisfy and make him/her happy?

21. Is there anything wrong with being married young?

Abu Saud: No, as long as you are ready for marriage. See question #15. The Prophet (PBUH) says, “He who can afford to get married, let him marry. . . ”

Athar: No, unless you are marrying a man who is too old.

22. What is sex?

Abu Saud: Sex is the cohabitation of a male with a female for the purpose of reproduction. A married couple may decide not to have children and still they legitimately perform sex. Sex without marriage is illegitimate and is obviously harmful to the individuals and their society.

Athar: Sex is the act of intimacy between two people of the opposite or same sex, starting with being together, to foreplay and the sexual act. The best sex organ is said to be the brain; other organs are hand and mouth.

23. Why are Muslim men allowed to marry non-Muslim women and Muslim women not allowed to marry non-Muslim men?

Abu Saud: The Quran says, “Do not marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe” (2:221). The family structure is so paternal that the non-Muslim father would dominate and dictate. This meant that the children would be non-Muslims, that the wife would not be free to practice her religion, and that the different laws of Islam (such as inheritance, alimony, guardianship, etc. ) cannot be observed. Accordingly, such marriage would lead to what is prohibited and thus becomes prohibited.

Athar: Not true. Muslim men are allowed to marry women from only people of book (Jews and Christians), not Hindu or atheist, etc. Even then they are encouraged to prefer believing women even if she is a slave than idolater. The reason Muslim women are not allowed non-Muslim men are many to include the future of children.

24. Are Muslim girls allowed to play sports?

Abu Saud: Yes, of course. In public, she must be covered, and if she plays with boys, there should be no touching.

Athar: Yes, only with girls.

25. Islam is a very patriarchal and sexist religion. Why is the podium faced toward the men? Why don’t you direct your speech toward the women? A woman will look attractive to a man, and that is why she must cover up, right? Well, have you ever thought that maybe a woman will also find a man attractive? Why should not he cover up? Why are men placed on a higher stool than women? Is that really what God wants?

Abu Saud: Islam is not patriarchal or sexist; it is YOUR society which is both. The Prophet (PBUH) used to talk to women directly, facing them. He, and the caliphs after him, used to address them, answer their questions and sell to and buy from them. Both men and women are required to cast down their eyesight and be modest. By instincts men are more attracted to the woman’s body than vice versa, and that is why she must cover up. However, man, being obligated to earn the living of the family and to protect it, has to work and mix with others, such that covering up would not be practical.

Athar: Not true, as men and women in the audience could hear the speaker the same way.

26. What is the right age to get married in this society? Can you marry a person whom your parents do not approve of?

Abu Saud: See question #3 and question #15.

Athar: See question #3. The right age is when a person is physically and emotionally mature and ready for marriage. In this society, more than a million teenage girls become pregnant each year. If they are ready for sex, they should be ready for sex with responsibility and commitment which comes from marriage.

27. Right of inheritance to a fetus: the rape situation in Islamic countries where rape is monumental and CANNOT be proved.

Abu Saud: The embryo is a prospective inheritor; i.e., if the father dies during the pregnancy of his wife, the estate inheritance division will be suspended until the birth or miscarriage of the fetus. There is no evidence that rape in Muslim countries is monumental, nor is it a fact that proving it is impossible. However, if the father is not known, there would be no inheritance except from the mother.

Athar: In the U.S.A., 200,000 women are raped every year, nearly two per minute, but half of the rapes are not reported. The reporting of rape in Muslim countries is related to weakness within women, for shame or whatever else.

28. Is placing of the private parts to the mouth harmful, for boys and girls alike?

Abu Saud: Oral sex is not forbidden in Islam as long as it is practiced between husband and wife.

Athar: No, but only with your spouse. “Your women are your tilth for you, so go to your tilth as ye wish” (2:223). Thus, all sexual positions except anal intercourse are permitted between husband and wives. There may be some medical harm in oral sex if organs are not clean or have infection. In that case they should seek medical treatment first before engaging in sex.

29. Are Muslim boys allowed to wear earrings, or is it a woman’s dress?

Abu Saud: The general rule is that men should not try to look like woman and vice versa. If conventionally agreed and accepted, earrings are used only for women; then a Muslim boy should not wear them.

Athar: Men are not allowed to mimic women in dress or other ways including jewelry.

30. Are girls or boys allowed to talk about the opposite sex in a way that conveys a feeling?

Abu Saud: It is human to have feelings towards the other sex. But to talk about it is another matter that depends entirely on what sort of talk it is. Modesty is the key word in this context. One must be decent and modest. One must be clean in thought and deed. God knows what is in the hearts of His servants and the servants must be aware of His cognition.

Athar: Yes, but be cautious not to give the wrong emotion. To play with someone’s emotions is not right.

31. Are women allowed to work, leaving their children at home?

Abu Saud: There is no prohibition for women to work. If they have children, it is the responsibility of both parents to look after them. However, it is biologically the mother who should cater to the needs of the child in his early age. Whether she can leave him at home during her working hours or not, is a matter of circumstances and age of the child. What is essential is consideration of the interest of the child as the first priority.

Athar: Not a good idea. This deprives children of her mother’s love and presence, both of which are badly needed.

32. What are the Islamic jurisdictions toward marriage?

Abu Saud: In Islam, marriage is a civil (though divine) contract, witnessed first by God, then by the society. The main terms of an Islamic marriage are: the free consent of both spouses, the public declaration of marriage, the dower to the wife, the respect of the terms that either party may opt to include in the contract (such as the wife’s condition to be the sole wife, to divorce herself without the consent of the husband without mentioning any reason, or to get her dower at any certain time, etc. ), and that the information in the contract is correct (for instance, whether or not either spouse is married, whether or not either of them has a disease, etc.)

Athar: Marriage is ordained by God and is a tradition of Prophet Muhammad. He said marriage is half of faith and that it is a shield against wrongdoing.


It is not necessary for the youth or parents who have read the above answers to agree with either mine or those of Dr. Abu Saud, as sometimes we did not agree with each other, either. It is also possible that both of us may be wrong. The purpose of this particular article is to make parents aware of youth’s questions and stimulate discussion within a family.
Muslim youth, instead of taking our answers for granted, should seek more explanation from their parents, Sunday school teachers, Imam of the mosque and above all, from the Quran and Sunnah.“It is not befitting a believing man or a believing woman that when God and His Messenger have decided an affair for them, they should after that claim have any say in their affairs and whosoever is rebellious to God and His messenger, he verily goes astray in error manifest” (33:36).


Islamic Clothing Requirements

< This is a very important and highly talked about topic… and here is a nicely  and simply put piece that explains the requirements . May Allah make it easy for us!>

Source of Rulings on Islamic Dress:

Islam gives guidance about all aspects of life, including matters of public decency. Islam has no fixed standard as to the style of dress or type of clothing that Muslims must wear. However, some minimum requirements must be met.

Islam has two sources for guidance and rulings: the Qur’an which is considered to be the revealed word of Allah, and the Hadith or traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, who serves as a human role model and guide

1st Requirement: What parts of the body are to be covered:

The first bit of guidance given in Islam describes the parts of the body which must be covered in public.

For women: In general, standards of modesty call for a woman to cover her body, particularly her chest. The Qur’an calls for women to “draw their coverings over their chests,” and the Prophet Muhammad instructed believing women to cover their bodies except for their face and hands. Most Muslims interpret this to require headcoverings for women. Some Muslim women cover the entire body, including the face and/or hands.

For men: The minimum amount to be covered is between the navel and the knee.

2nd Requirement: Looseness:

Islam also guides that clothing must be loose enough so as not to outline or distinguish the shape of the body. Skin-tight, body-hugging clothes are out, for both men and women. When in public, some women wear a cloak over their personal clothing as a convenient way to “hide their curves.” In many predominantly Muslim countries, men’s traditional dress is somewhat like a loose robe, covering from the neck to the ankles.

3rd Requirement: Thickness:

The Prophet Muhammad once warned that in later generations, there would be people “who are dressed yet naked.” See-through clothing is not modest, for either men or women. The clothing must be thick enough so that the color of the skin it covers is not visible, nor the shape of the body underneath.

4th Requirement: Overall appearance:

The overall appearance of a person should be dignified and modest. Shiny, flashy clothing may technically meet the above requirements, but defeat the purpose of overall modesty.

5th Requirement: Not imitating others:

Islam encourages people to be proud of who they are. Muslims should look like Muslims, and not like mere imitations of people of other faiths around them. Women should be proud of their femininity and not dress like men. And men should be proud of their masculinity and not try to imitate women in their dress. For this reason, Muslim men are forbidden from wearing gold or silk, as these are considered feminine accessories.

6th Requirement: Decent but not flashy:

The Qur’an describes that clothing is meant to cover our private areas, and be an adornment (Qur’an 7:26). Clothing worn by Muslims should be clean and decent, neither excessively fancy nor ragged. One should not dress in order to gain the admiration or sympathy of others.

Beyond the Clothing: Behaviors and Manners:

Islamic clothing is but one aspect of modesty. More importantly, one must be modest in behavior, manners, speech and appearance in public. Dress is only one aspect of the total being, and merely reflects what is present on the inside of a person’s heart.

Is Islamic clothing restrictive?:

Dress requirements are not meant to be restrictive for either men or women, and most Muslims who wear modest dress do not find it impractical. Many people continue with their activities in all levels and walks of life.

SOURCE: islam.about.com

You Ask, Quran Answer

<There will always be times in everyone life when deep questions comes to mind, when you look unto God for  divine answers. At times like this, it is time to turn to the quran . Start from anywhere by following your heart and insha Allah you will find answers. More so, if you spend time familiarizing yourself with the quran before such times, you will be consoled and know that Allah’s promise will never go unfulfilled. Hope you enjoy this piece! Peace!>


Quran said:

“What man is left to calculate that they only say;” We believe, “(” I am full of faith to God “) while they are not tested? We tested the salt before them, surely Allah knows those do-and-true, He knows those deceitful. ”

(Al-Ankabut verses 2-3)


Quran said:

“It may be that you hate something when it is good for you, and can also be something you like, although it is bad for you, Allah knows and you do not know.”

(Surah Al-Baqarah verse 216)


Quran said:

“Allah burdens not a person but to its capacity.”

(Surah Al-Baqarah verse 286)


Quran said:

“Do not be weak, nor grieve you, but ye who highest rank, if you say I believe.”

(Surah Al-Imran verse 139)


Quran said:Read the Quran every day!

“Nay, seek (Allah’s) help with patient perseverance and prayer and truly it is hard, except to those who humble themselves”

(Surah Al-Baqarah verse: 45)


Quran said:

“Allah has purchased of the believers, themselves, their wealth by giving them heaven ”

(Surah Al-Taubah verse: 111)


Quran said:

“Enough is Allah for me, there is no god apart from Him. Only to Him I trust.”

(Surah Al-Taubah verse 129)


Quran said:

“… .. And do not despair of the mercy of God. There is no despair of the mercy of Allah save disbelieving folk.”

(Surah Yusuf verse 12)

SOURCE: http://adam-love-islam.blogspot.com

The Preventive and Healing Wonders of Ablution

“Nor does he say (aught) of (his own) Desire. It is no less than inspiration sent down to him” (Chapter 53, Verse 3 & 4).

I have a confession to make. I never really took my time to make  ‘ablution’ the way I ought to. By ‘ought to’ I’m referring to the detailed care that was encouraged by our prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). However, when conducting the research for this article, I felt quite foolish, to say the least.

Not only was I squandering the chance to get more reward for perfecting ablution, but I was also wasting golden opportunities to enhance my health and general well being.

A Daily Ritual

Fourteen centuries ago, our Prophet, a walking encyclopedia if I may so describe him, gave us a prescription of 26 washing movements to be carried out 5 times a day, a total of 130 daily washing movements, to grant us optimum health.

“O ye who believe! when ye prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands (and arms) to the elbows; Rub your heads (with water); and (wash) your feet to the ankles. If ye are in a state of ceremonial impurity, bathe your whole body. But if ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye have been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands, Allah doth not wish to place you in a difficulty, but to make you clean, and to complete his favor to you, that ye may be grateful.” (Chapter 5, Verse 6)

Before a Muslim performs his prayers, he carries out the ablution movements mentioned in the above verse as well as others, which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has added.

Thus, the ablution comprises of washing the hands, arms right up to the elbow, face, mouth, nostrils, and feet up the ankle, all three times each. The inside and behind the ears, as well as the part of the head above the forehead is wiped once.

Done five times a day, it not only cleanses these vital parts of the body from dust and dirt but also “softens” and refreshes them

Interestingly enough, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also encouraged doing ablution before going to bed. This same ritual is also encouraged by Yoga experts who say that washing important motor and sensory organs such as the hands, arms, eyes, legs, mouth and genitals before sleep using cool water relaxes the body preparing it for a deep sleep.

Stimulating the Biological Rhythms

In an article titled “Muslims Rituals and their Effect on the Person’s Health”, Dr. Magomed Magomedov, assistant to the department of the Man’s General Hygiene and Ecology in the Daghestan State Medical Academy, speaks about how ablution stimulates the biological rhythms of the body and specifically Biological Active Spots (BASes), very much like the idea behind Chinese reflexotherapy.

Presently we know that a man is a complex system of electromagnetic fields, meridians, biological rhythms and so on. Man’s internal organs, in their turn, present a no less sophisticated bioenergetical whole; they all have indissoluble multi-channel bilateral connections with the skin, which hosts special spots, whose functions resemble those of buttons on “control” and “ recharge boards” responsible for particular organs. These spots are called biologically active spots (BASes).

While pointing out to the similarities between ablution and the science of Chinese reflexology in his fascinating article, Dr. Magomedov also states the main different points. To become a doctor in reflexology, he says, one has to take a 15 to 20 year course of study, incomparable with the simple learning techniques of ablution.

In another comparison, reflexotherapy was primarily used to cure diseases and very rarely for prevention, while, as we shall see, ablution has many preventive benefits.

There was also a negative side to reflexotherapy, he says, one that is not found in ablution; a patient was exposed to traumas since doctors used cauterisation.

“The majority of the most powerful BASes are being washed during the Muslim ritual. It is not the doctor, who had studied for many years, who does it, but every Muslim by himself. Besides, praying five times a day obliges a Muslim to take the preventive measures against diseases beforehand.”

According to Dr. Magomedov, Chinese medicine says that there are more than 700 BASes, and sixty-six of them have quick reflex therapy effects and are named the drastic (or aggression or antique or prime-elements) spots.

Out of these sixty-six spots, sixty-one of them are located in zones required for ablution while the other five are located between the ankle and knee (an area which is desirable, according to prophetic traditions, to wash).

Thus, ablution becomes a kind of treatment complex, which includes the hydromassage of the BAS, their thermal and physical stimulation.

The BASes in the face (which are washed during ablution) “recharge” such organs as the intestines, stomach and bladder, in addition to having a positive effect on the nervous and reproductive systems, says Dr. Magomedov in his findings, adding that the BAS responsible for the osseous system, intestine, nervous system, lumbar area, stomach, pancreas, gall-bladder, thyroid gland, solar plexus and others are situated on the right leg, another area reached by ablution.

The left leg has the BAS responsible for the work of the pituitary gland, the brain organ that regulates the functioning of the endocrine glands and controls growing. In the ear’s cochlea are hundreds of BASes that “harmonize the work of almost all organs, decrease high blood pressure and relieve tooth and throat pain.” Ear ablution is considered Sunna (Prophetic tradition).

Another aspect that Dr. Magomedov stresses on is that Prophetic tradition emphasized the importance of massaging and applying pressure during ablution, which is something that has a scientifically-grounded explanation.

Dr. Magomedov said that his studies were triggered by his solemn belief that the five-time-a-day Muslim prayers were bound to have not only an “indisputable spiritual effect” but were also bound to “have a purely physical healing effect as well.”

Former research carried out in the Soviet Union regarding BAS was regarded unworthy because they believed that “man was not supposed to have either soul or an energy body, because the opposite would contradict the materialistic (atheistic) ideology of those times,” says Dr. Magomedov.

Preventive Cleansing
From a non-alternative medicine perspective, Mukhtar Salem, in his book titled ‘Prayers: a Sport for the Body and Soul’, speaks about the health benefits of every aspect of ablution.

He does not speak about the BASes in one’s body, but nevertheless, he describes the preventive benefits of ablution.

Ablution, he says, helps prevent skin cancer. This is his explanation: the areas that are washed during ablution are the parts of the body that are most prone to be exposed to pollution, whether it is pollution from the internal secretions of the body on to the skin surface, such as sweat, or whether it is external. Ablution, removes this ‘pollution’ five times a day, and hence maintains a clean outside layer of skin, which in turn helps the cells underneath to function properly.

Also, washing with water helps invigorate the ends of the blood vessels, as well as the nerves and glands that are near the skin surface, and hence helps them perform their functions efficiently.

Salem adds that research has proven that one of the main reasons behind skin cancer is that the skin is exposed to chemicals, especially petrochemicals, and that the best way to prevent skin cancer is by constantly removing these chemicals.

The obvious reason behind washing the mouth during ablution, Salem says, is to remove the food particles, which could cause teeth and gum problems. That is also the reason why siwak (brushing one’s teeth) is also encouraged before ablution.

When washing one’s nostrils, (a practice, which I myself find very hard, but will try to work on), one is also performing a preventive health measure as the germs trapped in the nostrils are removed and do not pass on to the respiratory system.

According to a study conducted by a team of doctors in Alexandria University, the Prophetic tradition, which urges the exaggeration of washing the nostrils by introducing the water in the nostril then blowing it out, positively affects the inner coating of the nostrils. Those who carried out the washing in the correct form had clean, shiny nostrils with no dust clinging to the small hair inside.

However, those who did not perform ablution had light colored, greasy nostrils and their nostril hairs fell off easily.

Repeated washing of the face invigorates the facial skin cells and helps prevent early wrinkles as well as having a cleansing effect on the inside of the eyes, which prevents eye infections, says Salem.

Washing the ear helps rid them from wax accumulation, which may cause ear infections as well as affecting the inner ear, which eventually causes body imbalances.

The Prophetic tradition of encouraging one to wash between the toes while washing the feet, is also extremely important, says Salem, as it prevents the foot, which in our modern times is trapped most of the day inside shoes, from acquiring athlete’s foot.

Over all, he adds, ablution also has an exercising effect on all the muscles involved in its movement, which are thus being stimulated five times a day or even more according to repetition.

Extinguishing the Fires of Anger
Prophetic tradition, with regards to ablution, is also ecologically friendly, as the Prophet repeatedly encouraged water conservation, even if abluting from a running river. Ibn Majah related that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “There is a shaytan (devil) for ablution called `walhan‘, meaning greedy, avoid the waste of water.”

Muslims are encouraged to ablute not only before praying or going to bed, but also when entering the mosque, making the call to prayer, delivering a sermon, after visiting a graveyard, after touching or carrying a dead person and also before reading the Quran.

We are also encouraged to ablute while being in a state of anger for the cooling and refreshing effect of the water, as we are told that anger is from the devil who is made out of fire and can therefore be put off by water.

Finally, there is a moral to this article, besides understanding the benefits of ablution. One should never take things at face value, and must have strong faith that everything that Allah prescribes has a wisdom behind it that we may or may not know.

“And they say: ‘We hear, and we obey: (We seek) Thy forgiveness, our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all journeys.’” (Chapter 2, Verse 285)

SOURCE: http://www.islamonline.net

Physical benefit of salat…

As Salam Alaykum…< Please keep in mind that Muslims do not offer salat for the physical benefits but for the spiritual benefits. These physical benefits are just a bonus given by Allah.>

Salat is one of the five fundamental requirements that a Muslim is obligated to perform. Salat is given the highest priority in the Holy Quran. There are many benefits of Salat described in the Book of Allah. It says, innassalata tanha anil fahsha’i, Surely Prayer restrains one from indecency. (29:46) In chapter Luqman, We read that when Hadhrat Luqman was giving advice to his son, the first and foremost on his mind was to remind his son, ya bunayya aqimissalat “O my dear son,! observe Prayer.” (31:8)

According to a Hadith the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) is reported to have said, inna fissalati shifa’a ” verily there is cure in salat “. According to a Muslim scholar, as reported in monthly Urdu magazine, Tahazibul Akhlaq, Aligarh, India, a Muslim who offers salat regularly has very little chance of getting arthritis as we exercise our bones and joints while we offer salat.

In the light of this Hadith we shall endeavor to describe some orthopedic benefits of salat in this short note.

  1. Regular exercise reduces cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol causes heart failures, strokes, diabetes and many other ailments. It is a known fact that people in professions where exercise is required have less amount of cholesterol in their bodies.
  2. Salat is an excellent form of exercise to prevent indigestion. In the morning when stomach is empty, a Muslim is required to offer fewer number of Rak’aat whereas in the evening after the dinner we offer an extra number of Rak’aat.
  3. By offering Takbir at the beginning of salat, we move hand and shoulder muscles thereby increasing the flow of blood towards torso. Akamat performs a similar function.
  4. The most important function in salat is sajdah where we touch the ground with our forehead. This posture increases fresh supply of blood to our brain. Needless to say in certain forms of yoga some adherents stand on their heads for the same purpose.
  5. In tashah’hud position, our hip, elbow, knee joints, backbone, wrist joints move in a way that it provides a form of relaxation to our entire body. Pressure is applied on the body parts as if it was a kind of massage which releases tension.
  6. Heart in the most important organ in the body. It supplies fresh blood to all body tissues. These body movements performed during salat are an excellent source of exercise for our heart as well. According to a Hadith of the Holy Prophet,”There is an organ in the body, when it is healthy, the whole body is healthy, and when this is sick, the entire body becomes sick”. It is the heart.
  7. A remarkable tissue in our body is cartilage. It is unique in being a living tissue with no direct blood supply. The only way it receives nutrients and oxygen is by movements of the joints. The pumping effect forces blood into the joint area which would otherwise be bypassed. Those who sit at the terminals are in greater danger of ending up with dead cartilage tissues that will subsequently wear away. This will leave us with arthritis, painful joints and paralysis. Bacteria and viruses find safe haven in joints for this reason as no blood cell can get at them and in most cases neither can antibodies. Salat therefore, has many orthopedic benefits for all Muslims. Next time you offer salat, thank Almighty Allah that He made you a Muslim. Indeed, there is cure in salat

SOURCE: Al Islam

Seek refuge in Allah…

<with Transliteration English Translation below >
A’uzu billahi minashaitanir rajim
I seek refuge in Allah from the outcast Satan

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

‘Allahu laaa ‘ilaaha ‘illaa Huu. ‘Al-Hayyul-Qayyuum. Laa ta’-khuzuhuu sinatunw-wa laa nawm. Lahuu maa fissamaawaati wa ma fil-‘arz. Man-zallazii yashfa-‘u’indahuuu ‘illaa bi-‘iznih? Ya’-lamu maa bayna ‘aydiihim wa maa khalfahum. Wa laa yuhiituuna bi-shay-‘im-min ‘ilmihiii ‘illaa bimaa shaaa’. Wasi-‘a Kursiyyu-hus-Samaawaati wal-‘arz; wa laa ya-‘uuduhuu hifzu-humaa wa Huwal-‘Aliyyul-‘Aziim.

Allah! There is no God save Him, the Alive, the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtaketh Him. Unto Him belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Who is he that intercedeth with Him save by His leave? He knoweth that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what He will. His throne includeth the heavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the Sublime, the Tremendous.