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Your Employment & Expenditure: Keeping it Halal!

<In our struggle to make ends meet, we need to realise that as Muslims; we have to be very careful with our choices, dealing and earning. What drives you…or what are you aiming at? Please avoid earning wealth that brings you closer to Allah wrath. It not exactly an easy task/ decision/ practice but we should at least try and ask Allah to help us. This is a piece By Taha Ghayyur- titled A Young Muslim’s Guide to Halal Employment. Enjoy!>

Every summer young Muslim students go through stressful times trying to find a means of earning that is decent, professional, yet Islamically lawful. While many do land good and Halal jobs, others resort to any work or industry, often out of desperation and hopes of ‘quick big cash’, that may not be pleasing to Allah, the source of all our Rizq (wealth, sustenance and blessings).

It is important that we, the Muslim youth, work hard and with honestly to earn money, instead of sitting idle at home or stealing other’s money. Our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, once reminded us, “It is better that a person should a take a rope and bring bundles of wood on his back to sell so that Allah may preserve his honour than that he should beg from people.” [Bukhari & Muslim]

Consumerism’s Promise: You will Never be ‘Content’

As we strive to sustain ourselves with part time jobs, we need to learn the ethics of ‘right’ and ‘pure’ earning and spending. How many youth are out there whose sole purpose of earning is to buy a new set of brand name shoes, the latest game, or the nail polish in vogue on weekly basis! This is indeed the destructive outcome of our consumer teen culture.

Why is it crucial to not to fall for this culture of greed? The Prophet, peace be upon him, has told us, “Riches are sweet, and a source of blessing to those who acquire them (lawfully) by the way; but those who seek them out of greed are like people who eat but are never full (or satisfied). “

Therefore, this kind of greed to have ‘everything cool or every fad out there’ will never satisfy you, no matter how much of it you have. Ever wonder, why the music and film industry never loses money? The idea is to keep every young person in our society ‘hooked’ on to the music, lyrics, and the ‘stars’, that are strategically released to the public gradually, in stages, so that everyone keeps coming back for ‘more’.

Reality of ‘Entertainment’ and your Employment

This material instant gratification is not going to buy you happiness and peace, as promised by the allurings ads and persuasive salespersons. At the end of the day, we realise how hollow and temporary this ‘entertainment’ is— something that destroys our soul by taking our mind and feelings to another realm of fantasy, only to discover we are is back to the same harsh realities of this life as soon as the screen turns off!

The way we ‘kill our time’ in our leisure activities has a great influence on the type of job we look for. If our priority in life is to serve our family, community, and Islam, as well as improving our own relationship with Allah, then certainly we would look for a job or a profession that accommodates all such commitments.

It helps to keep in mind the following portrayal of reality by our Prophet, peace be upon him: “Whoever sets this world as his goal, Allah divides his affairs for him. He will place poverty between his eyes, and nothing will come to him from this world except what Allah has written for him. Whoever sets the Hereafter as his goal, Allah gathers his affairs for him, gives him richness of the heart and the world will come to him grudgingly and submissively.” [Ibn Majah & Ibn Hibban]

“It is not poverty which I fear….”

Is it any wonder that the beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, once commented, “It is not poverty which I fear for you, but that you might desire the world as others before you desired it, and it might destroy you, as it destroyed them.”

How do we suppress our love for this world? We can do so by spending less on ourselves and contributing as much as possible to those in need. Even a regular, nominal donation to your local masjid, charity organisation, youth group, Islamic publication, or a poor person would greatly bless your limited income from employment as a student; it will also serve a profound reminder to cut the greed. Your regular contribution to other’s well-being will make you think, every time you are window shopping in a mall, “Do I really need it? Or am I tempted to buy this shirt because my friend always talks about it?

5 Reasons to avoid working for Riba (interest) based institutions

  1. Riba (interest) involves earning income without actually working to earn it;
  2. Riba based companies involve taking advantage of the need or financial circumstances of the borrower of loan;
  3. Taking Riba, or working for institutions that promote it, contribute to great injustice and devastation, both at individual and global level, such as, bankruptcy, corporate scandals, economic recession, credit crunch, debts, and staggering unemployment to name a few.
  4. Daily toil has become a never-ending struggle to pay off interest on mortgages or business loans, and societies have become class-ridden structures in which huge wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few.
  5. As Salih Al-Munajjid argues, “Perhaps all this is a manifestation of the war threatened by Allah to those who deal in Riba….The least harm that a job involving Riba does is to destroy the blessing (Barakah) of the money, even if a person’s income is great. The Prophet, peace be upon him, himself once said, ‘Even if Riba is much, it will end up being a small amount.’ [Al-Hakim]“

Employment Search: Tips on keeping it Halal

This time when you go out searching for employment, look for a job that is pure and Halal. Make sure it’s work-environment allows you to maintain your Islamic identity, including time and space for the daily prayers and allowance to observe Hijab or Islamically modest clothing. Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood in her book Living with Teenagers and Yusuf al-Qaradawi in his research work The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam provide the following useful tips on what type of job to stay away from:

  1. any form of activity deriving money from pornography, prostitution and indecency (such as theatres, movie stores, clubs….etc.), as Allah reminds us, “And do not come near Zina (fornication); indeed it is an abomination and an evil way” [17:32];
  2. any form of drama or dance entertainment that is deliberately or suggestive;
  3. making statues of living creatures or photography that is sexually provocative, as the Prophet, peace be upon him, once said, “Allah will punish anyone who makes figures (of living beings), until he breathes spirit into them, which he can never do” [Bukhari];
  4. manufacturing, trading, or serving intoxicants and drugs;
  5. working in a bar, off-licence, nightclub, dance hall, etc.;
  6. being involved in armed forces fighting against other Muslims or killing innocent people;
  7. working in banks, stock exchanges, futures markets, insurance companies, and other usurious or Riba-based institutions.

How do I tell….

How do we tell what is a Haram (unlawful) or Halal (lawful) work? A general principle, as Ruqaiyyah W. Maqsood explains, “is that if anybody’s means of earning a living hurts another, or results in another’s loss or corruption, then it is Haram. If it is fair and beneficial to others as well, then it is Halal. Obviously, any business or job that involves dishonesty, bribery, gambling, cheating (do deceptive marketing strategies ring a bell?), fraud, sexual degradation, or any other means of making a profit by exploiting others (such as lottery/raffle tickets), is forbidden to us Muslims.

The best practice is to ignore or leave any job opportunity that seems to fall in the grey area. The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, advised us, “Leave alone what puts you in doubt and turn toward what does not create any doubt.” [Ahmad & Tirmidhi] This is perhaps the most practical tip to use in employment search.

The Road Ahead…

Before we give up all the hope of finding a good Halal job after reading this list of precautions, remember there are innumerable sources of employment, including Muslim and non-Muslim owned businesses, that offer a decent, honorable, professional, and above all Halal, environment. We may begin our job search with the local Muslim business directory!

We would never despair if we realised the truth of a Prophetic statement, “If you give up something for the sake of Allah, He will replace it with something (even) better.” Let’s have the following words of Allah etched in our heart, “Whoever has Taqwa (consciousness) of Allah, He will make a way out for him” [Surah Talaq: 3]. This verse should boost he confidence, faith, and optimism of all the young Muslims striving to adopt a pure and Islamic lifestyle and to benefit their society as responsible citizens.

SOURCE: http://myinkspiration.wordpress.com/2007/12/27/your-employment-expenditure-keeping-it-halal/

Top Ten Forms of Halal Entertainment

<Your own forms of Halal Entertainment might be slight different but this is a brother’s own . I suggest you make a list of yours and make sure you keep them in mind to have balanced/de-stress life!>

Many Muslims have a misconception that having fun is Haraam. Nothing could be further from the truth as having fun is part of human nature and Islam is the religion of Al-Fitrah (Human Nature). Unfortunately, despite the fact that most forms of entertainment are Halal, many Muslims seem to indulge in the Haraam forms instead.

So here are my top ten favorite Halal things to do for fun. But remember even Halal forms of entertainment become Haraam through overindulgence and neglecting your Islamic duties:


10. Eating out:

Everybody enjoys going out to their favorite fast food joint and enjoying a delicious chicken tikka or burger. This is completely Halal and extremely fun, especially when you go with company, so go ahead and enjoy yourself… just make sure the chicken is Halal!

9. Reading:

Not everybody enjoys this but I do, there is nothing like a good book to take your mind of things and help you relax. Of course one must choose a book whose content in Halal and it is preferable to read books by Muslims, unless you have reached the level of knowledge to read Non-Muslim books, and separate the good from the evil.

Don’t forget that the first command in the Quran was to “READ” so enjoy your reading, and may Allah help us all reach
the level where we enjoy reading Islamic books.

8. Swimming:

This one is recommended by the prophet (peace be upon him), and there is no better way to cool off on a hot day! So make sure your Satr is covered and enjoy the water in the upcoming summer.

7. Relaxing:

We all need a break and nobody can pray all day, the prophet (peace be upon him) recommended that we will our lives in balance and said, “An hour for your Lord and an hour for yourself,” meaning that we should split our day and balance between Islamic work and living life. So do not stress, when you get tired, sit back and relax. Its perfectly Halal, just don’t sleep through any salah times.

6. Video Games and Videos:

Not all video games and videos are Haraam; it’s the content that matters. So if you enjoy playing video games and can balance without getting addicted, make sure you only buy Halal games (that means no Grand Theft Auto!). The same with movies and other videos, watch something Islamic or something beneficial and keep away from movies which have shameless scenes and teach bad things.

Most importantly, do not get addicted and sit till Fajr time praying Pro Evolution Soccer, because that would then become haraam. So balance and be careful and responsible when choosing the content, and do not try to fool yourself that a certain movie is halal when you know it is not, because you can not fool Allah or the angels sitting with you watching and writing down every moment into your book of deeds.

5. Nature:

I love nature! Whether it is the ocean, forests, animals, I just love being out in the natural environment. It is one of those times when I feel closest to Allah and feel peace inside me. There is no feeling equal to praying under a tree or on a mountain. Take my word for it and book your next family holiday at some place natural, like the Drakensburg Mountains of South Africa. It is Beautiful!

4. Nasheeds:

I love Nasheeds, in them I have found the perfect replacement for music and a source of both joy and education for myself. It is narrated that Umar (RA) said, “Singing is the companion of the traveler”. I do not know how authentic that narration is, but Imam Malik did say there is nothing wrong with singing while traveling – so load your cars with Zain Bhikha and Dawud Wharnsby CDs, and throw out the Haraam music, and enjoy Halal beneficial entertainment as you drive to work and back!

3. Hanging out with the right crowd:

Your friends either make you or break you. The prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Every person follows the religion of his best friend so be careful whom you befriend”.

Since we are all social beings, hanging out and socializing will be high on our list of ways of having fun, yet it is so important to have the right friends. Your friends are the ones who encourage
you to pray or to skip the prayer and catch a movie. They are the ones who tell you your Hijab looks beautiful or that it makes you look old. In the end, whom you choose to hang out with, makes the biggest difference in who you become.

Sadly, in South Africa we have an added problem in that having fun is looked upon as Haraam as a result many practicing Muslims in this country are B-O-R-I-N-G! So it is even harder to find good friends here who are practicing yet cool and fun, but they do exist. You just have to look in the right places, like at the Al-Kauthar courses and ILM-SA programmes. Hang out with those crowds, you will become a better Muslim and have an awesome time at the time!

2. Playing with kids:

I have two baby boys, two baby nieces, a baby brother, a baby cousin and many other little people in the family and there is nothing that is more fun to me than spending time with these innocent sweet kids and playing with them. Children are a joy and the coolness of my eyes. On this point, I hate people who hate kids and treat them badly, it’s because of such people in our Masjids that many kids grow up traumatized and hate the Masjid and Islam. That is not Islamic at all.

The prophet (peace be upon him) would play with kids even in the Masjid, sometimes when he was in Sajdah, he would be very long because his grandchildren were riding on his back. That’s the Sunnah not banning the kids from the Masjid and growling at them whenever you see them! Playing with children is part of the Sunnah methods of having fun.

One last hadith on this topic, once the prophet (Peace be upon him) kissed his grandchildren in public, a man commented that he had ten kids and never kissed any of them. The prophet (peace be upon him) replied, “What can I do if Allah has removed mercy from your heart, who ever does not show mercy will not be shown mercy,” Think about that next time you mistreat a child.

1. Marriage and all the fun it legalizes:

Being with the opposite gender is the natural desire of every human and it is such a situation that one has the most fun, especially if there is love between them. Islam does not prohibit this but promotes it in the form of marriage while prohibiting it outside of marriage. So dump your boyfriends and girlfriends, get religious and marry a cool religious person!

The prophet (peace be upon him) stressed the importance of marriage many times and also stressed the importance of having a fun marriage. If your marital life sucks, your life in general will be miserable, but if you are happily married and enjoying it (like I am, masha’Allah) then you can cope with every other problem you face. The prophet (peace be upon him) has a fun marital life, he would race with his wives, have food fights with them, joke with them. Study his life with them; he was the perfect husband so let us all follow in his footsteps.

Once the prophet (peace be upon him) advised a young companion who had married an elderly woman, “you should have married someone young (like you) so that you could play with her and she could play with you”. So what are you waiting for?

If you are married, make changes to improve your marital life and make it a source of fun and pleasure for yourself, and if you are not married, get married soon and have a lot of kids so that then do everything else of this list with your wife and kids, its more fun like that than when you are alone.

I hope you all enjoyed and benefited from this list and I hope that it will assist you in living Halal, practicing Islam and enjoying it. May Allah guide us all to the straight and balanced path and put the love of Islam into our hearts.

A guest post by brother Abu Muawiyah Ismail Kamdar – a young student of knowledge under Dr Bilal Philips. http://muslimmatters.org/2009/12/08/top-ten-forms-of-halal-entertainment/

Ten Reasons to Take your Kids for a Walk …

<Though  the article says Ten Reasons to Take your Kids for a Walk this Summer-By Shehnaz Toorawa i guess this is practice we can use all year round!>

As the days lengthen and the weather warms, parents search for halal ways to keep their children amused. Along with trips to amusement parks, swimming lessons, and barbeque parties, consider a simple walk in the neighbourhood park or conservation area.

With a little creativity, your kids can gain numerous benefits from a walk in the forest.

Grab the opportunity for your kids to:

1- Do some hands-on science. Touch and observe things around you and talk about them. Pick up an acorn and ask your kids, “What’s inside?” and “How does it get there?”. Discuss the “green stuff” growing on a rock, see if you notice signs of succession, or ask your kids why the leaves are green in summer. Let your children’s natural curiosity guide the learning. You don’t have to know all the answers. Take some samples home for further experiments, research, or ‘show and tell’.

2- Remember Allah. Ask your children who created the things around them. Encourage them to point out signs of Allah’s existence and to praise Allah when they see something that amazes them. Remind them of ayahs in the Quran about nature like:

Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of the night and the day; in the sailing of the ships through the ocean for the profit of mankind; in the rain which Allah Sends down from the skies, and the life which He gives therewith to an earth that is dead; in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth; in the change of the winds, and the clouds which they Trail like their slaves between the sky and the earth;- (Here) indeed are Signs for a people that are wise. (2:164)

3- Get some exercise. Children often spend their day in stationary activities like television, video games, and internet. A walk gives them physical exercise to refresh their mind and bodies.

4- Appreciate art and beauty. Comment on the natural beauty in Allah’s creation. Reflect on the colours, contrasts and lines you see in nature. If art interests your kids, encourage them to paint or photograph the scenes.

5- Learn to conserve. Ask your kids how the resources they see benefit us and how we harm them. Remind them of their responsibility towards the environment, as the Prophet, peace by upon him, said, “The world is green and beautiful and God has appointed you as His stewards over it. He sees how you acquit yourselves…” (Muslim). Brainstorm ways you and your kids can change your lifestyle to protect these resources.

6- Identify species and sounds
. Pick up reference books from the library and help your kids identify the trees, flowers and birds you see. Learn the names of local birds and animals and count how many you spot.

7- Start a collection. Children love to collect. Find something that interests your kids—leaves, wildflowers, insects, pebbles—and help them collect, label and display their project. Show them how to collect without damaging nature.

8- Strengthen your bond. Talk about school, work, friends, and future plans as you walk. The time you spend on weekly walks will strengthen your relationship with your kids.

9- Clear their mind and lungs. You and your kids will appreciate fresh air and a peaceful break after a busy day indoors.

10- Pick up navigation skills. Take a map and compass on your walk. Plan a route together, follow it on the map and learn how to use a compass as you go.

SOURCE: http://myinkspiration.wordpress.com/2007/04/23/ten-reasons-to-take-your-kids-for-a-walk-this-summer/

Breastfeeding prevents diseases and increases love

<“Mother and child” bond should not be broken due to our lame excuses !! why?  because its healthy and  halal!!! need more reasons?! read on and learn why breastfeeding is great!>

” Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of the baby’s life is the traditional and ideal way to feed the baby. Breast milk is far superior in terms of nutrients concerning its unique composition that provides the baby with the components that are vital for life, nourishment and development, such as proteins, fats, vitamins, salts and minerals.

It contains all these elements at the best level and composition for the baby’s body to fully benefit from throughout his stages of development. Medical research stresses that breast milk contains cells which are able to form antibodies for microbes and viruses. So far, scientists know of four types of antibodies that are able to protect the baby from many diseases throughout the different stages of his life. Breast milk protects the child against food allergies that may emerge in the early years of the child’s life. Symptoms of food allergy can be rashes, digestive disorders or breathing difficulties. In some cases, a food allergy can even cause unconsciousness.

Doctors say that genetics determine a child’s predisposition to allergies, but breast milk helps guard against it.  The results of researches which were conducted by Dr. Phialat, Professor of Allergies in the Faculty of Medicine in Paris, and Dr. Sameer Khidhr, Professor of Public Health in the Faculty of Medicine in Tanta (Egypt), show that breast milk contains immune bodies that decrease the production of immunoglobins, which cause allergies. Thus, breastfeeding has a great effect on preventing the emergence of allergies in the early years of the child’s life. It also contains elements from the environment that guard the body of the baby against any disease. Breastfeeding gives an opportunity for the child to build his immune system within approximately three months.

Medical research, which was conducted on breastfed children and children on baby formula, revealed that phosphorus fats are available in breast milk at higher rates. Phosphorus fat helps to form the nervous system of the child and plays a key role in his development. It has a great effect that extends throughout his lifetime. The research confirms that breastfed babies are more intelligent than babies who are fed on baby formula. The reason behind this is that the fastest development of the brain takes place in the first year of life. At that time, the baby needs full nutrients that are only available in breast milk. Shortage in such substances during this period often leads to shortcomings in the baby’s mental capacities.

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breast milk is considered to be the best nourishment for the baby and helps him grow and develop emotionally and mentally. Breast milk is clean and bacteria-free. It contains living white blood cells that help combat diseases, gives the baby necessary immunity and protects him from digestive disorders, diarrhea, respiratory system diseases, middle ear infection, allergy problems and sudden death syndrome. Breast milk strengthens the bond between the mother and the baby in a way that enhances the baby’s ability to acquire knowledge in the future. Breast milk provides the baby with a balanced and nutritious food that suits each stage of development, especially during the first six months of the baby’s life.

Breast milk contains:

  • A quantity of water which suffices the baby, even in hot weather.
  • Various amounts of iron, salt, calcium and phosphate which are sufficient for the baby at this age.
  • An amount of the lipase enzyme that helps the baby’s stomach to digest fats.
  • Most forms of proteins and fats which are suitable for the baby and in the quantities required.
  • Sufficient vitamins for the baby.
  • It helps the baby’s jaws, speech and teeth to develop properly.

Benefits for the Mother

Breastfeeding benefits the mother as well, since it helps in:

  • Cessation of post-partum bleeding.
  • Prolonging the interval between two successive pregnancies, especially when breastfeeding runs regularly every 2-3 hours night and day without adding formula to the baby’s diet.
  • Rapid loss of weight.
  • Minimizing the danger of breast and ovarian cancers.
  • Saving time, since breast milk is always ready and does not need preparation or warming. A mother can breastfeed her baby whenever she wants and wherever she is without special preparation.
  • Saving money, for breast milk is free.
  • Strengthening the bond and love between the mother and her baby.

Risks of Infant Formula for the baby:

  • Infant formula can be easily contaminated with microbes and bacteria, due to improperly cleaned bottles, teats (bottle nipples), or spoons. It may be contaminated via water or hands.
  • Baby formula does not contain antimicrobials to protect the baby against infection.
  • Baby formula becomes easily rancid if it is not used once prepared, particularly in hot weather.
  • Baby formula is often powder whose preparation requires adding water. It is possible that a mother could put the incorrect quantity of water in, so the milk is too concentrated or too light, which can disturb the stomach of the baby and fail to satisfy his dietary needs.
  • The holes of the teats may be too narrow so that a baby hardly sucks, or may be too wide so that the milk comes out rapidly and the baby chokes.
  • The milk may be contaminated during preparation
  • The heavy nature of formula milk may cause the baby to be overweight, and increases the risk of chronic diseases.
  • A bottle-fed baby may be exposed to allergies, intestinal colic, respiratory diseases and permanent diarrhea.
  • A baby may reject his mother’s breast because baby formula tastes better to him.
  • Lastly, it causes the baby to be confused between the breast nipple and the bottle teat, and this affects the emotional connection between the mother and the baby.

Risks of baby formula for the mother:

  • Delay and decrease of breast milk production because the baby does not suck properly.
  • An increase of the possibility of breast congestion or inflammation as the baby does not regularly take her milk.
  • An increase of the risk of unplanned pregnancy
  • An increase in the risk of breast and ovarian cancers and obesity.
  • It reduces the possibility of regaining body shapeliness after childbirth.

Looking for the reasons why some mothers refuse to breastfeed their babies, it was found that there are a few: the mother might be going out to study or work, the mother fears that breastfeeding would affect her shapeliness, the mother may be fond of imitating Western women, and think that using formulas is some sort of modernity. Also, the mother may be unaware of the ideal way to breastfeed a baby.

Final Advice

We advise mothers to start breastfeeding their babies from the first hours after childbirth, meaning, once the milk comes. This must be in the first days that follow delivery. It is recommended that a baby is fed from one breast for at least half an hour, until the mother is sure that he is full, because the first quantity of milk contains water and sugar that increase the appetite of the baby and encourages him to continue breastfeeding.

All these facts unveil the secrets embedded in what Allaah The Almighty Says (which means): {Mothers may breastfeed their children two complete years for whoever wishes to complete the nursing [period].}[Quran 2:233]

SOURCE: http://www.islamweb.net/womane/nindex.php?page=readart&id=149470

Breastfeeding prevents diseases and increases love

Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of the baby’s life is the traditional and ideal way to feed the baby. Breast milk is far superior in terms of nutrients concerning its unique composition that provides the baby with the components that are vital for life, nourishment and development, such as proteins, fats, vitamins, salts and minerals.

It contains all these elements at the best level and composition for the baby’s body to fully benefit from throughout his stages of development. Medical research stresses that breast milk contains cells which are able to form antibodies for microbes and viruses. So far, scientists know of four types of antibodies that are able to protect the baby from many diseases throughout the different stages of his life. Breast milk protects the child against food allergies that may emerge in the early years of the child’s life. Symptoms of food allergy can be rashes, digestive disorders or breathing difficulties. In some cases, a food allergy can even cause unconsciousness.

Doctors say that genetics determine a child’s predisposition to allergies, but breast milk helps guard against it.  The results of researches which were conducted by Dr. Phialat, Professor of Allergies in the Faculty of Medicine in Paris, and Dr. Sameer Khidhr, Professor of Public Health in the Faculty of Medicine in Tanta (Egypt), show that breast milk contains immune bodies that decrease the production of immunoglobins, which cause allergies. Thus, breastfeeding has a great effect on preventing the emergence of allergies in the early years of the child’s life. It also contains elements from the environment that guard the body of the baby against any disease. Breastfeeding gives an opportunity for the child to build his immune system within approximately three months.

Medical research, which was conducted on breastfed children and children on baby formula, revealed that phosphorus fats are available in breast milk at higher rates. Phosphorus fat helps to form the nervous system of the child and plays a key role in his development. It has a great effect that extends throughout his lifetime. The research confirms that breastfed babies are more intelligent than babies who are fed on baby formula. The reason behind this is that the fastest development of the brain takes place in the first year of life. At that time, the baby needs full nutrients that are only available in breast milk. Shortage in such substances during this period often leads to shortcomings in the baby’s mental capacities.

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breast milk is considered to be the best nourishment for the baby and helps him grow and develop emotionally and mentally. Breast milk is clean and bacteria-free. It contains living white blood cells that help combat diseases, gives the baby necessary immunity and protects him from digestive disorders, diarrhea, respiratory system diseases, middle ear infection, allergy problems and sudden death syndrome. Breast milk strengthens the bond between the mother and the baby in a way that enhances the baby’s ability to acquire knowledge in the future. Breast milk provides the baby with a balanced and nutritious food that suits each stage of development, especially during the first six months of the baby’s life.

Breast milk contains:

A quantity of water which suffices the baby, even in hot weather.

Various amounts of iron, salt, calcium and phosphate which are sufficient for the baby at this age.

An amount of the lipase enzyme that helps the baby’s stomach to digest fats.

Most forms of proteins and fats which are suitable for the baby and in the quantities required.

Sufficient vitamins for the baby.

It helps the baby’s jaws, speech and teeth to develop properly.

Benefits for the Mother

Breastfeeding benefits the mother as well, since it helps in:

Cessation of post-partum bleeding.

Prolonging the interval between two successive pregnancies, especially when breastfeeding runs regularly every 2-3 hours night and day without adding formula to the baby’s diet.

Rapid loss of weight.

Minimizing the danger of breast and ovarian cancers.

Saving time, since breast milk is always ready and does not need preparation or warming. A mother can breastfeed her baby whenever she wants and wherever she is without special preparation.

Saving money, for breast milk is free.

Strengthening the bond and love between the mother and her baby.

Risks of Infant Formula for the baby:

Infant formula can be easily contaminated with microbes and bacteria, due to improperly cleaned bottles, teats (bottle nipples), or spoons. It may be contaminated via water or hands.

Baby formula does not contain antimicrobials to protect the baby against infection.

Baby formula becomes easily rancid if it is not used once prepared, particularly in hot weather.

Baby formula is often powder whose preparation requires adding water. It is possible that a mother could put the incorrect quantity of water in, so the milk is too concentrated or too light, which can disturb the stomach of the baby and fail to satisfy his dietary needs.

The holes of the teats may be too narrow so that a baby hardly sucks, or may be too wide so that the milk comes out rapidly and the baby chokes.

The milk may be contaminated during preparation

The heavy nature of formula milk may cause the baby to be overweight, and increases the risk of chronic diseases.

A bottle-fed baby may be exposed to allergies, intestinal colic, respiratory diseases and permanent diarrhea.

A baby may reject his mother’s breast because baby formula tastes better to him.

Lastly, it causes the baby to be confused between the breast nipple and the bottle teat, and this affects the emotional connection between the mother and the baby.

Risks of baby formula for the mother:

Delay and decrease of breast milk production because the baby does not suck properly.

An increase of the possibility of breast congestion or inflammation as the baby does not regularly take her milk.

An increase of the risk of unplanned pregnancy

An increase in the risk of breast and ovarian cancers and obesity.

It reduces the possibility of regaining body shapeliness after childbirth.

Looking for the reasons why some mothers refuse to breastfeed their babies, it was found that there are a few: the mother might be going out to study or work, the mother fears that breastfeeding would affect her shapeliness, the mother may be fond of imitating Western women, and think that using formulas is some sort of modernity. Also, the mother may be unaware of the ideal way to breastfeed a baby.

Final Advice

We advise mothers to start breastfeeding their babies from the first hours after childbirth, meaning, once the milk comes. This must be in the first days that follow delivery. It is recommended that a baby is fed from one breast for at least half an hour, until the mother is sure that he is full, because the first quantity of milk contains water and sugar that increase the appetite of the baby and encourages him to continue breastfeeding.

All these facts unveil the secrets embedded in what Allaah The Almighty Says (which means): {Mothers may breastfeed their children two complete years for whoever wishes to complete the nursing [period].}[Quran 2:233]

SOURCE: http://www.islamweb.net/womane/nindex.php?page=readart&id=149470