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Aloe Vera: A Natural Cure …

Allah bless us with wonderful natural cure.. if only we will pause and learn more about those things we over look or run from can do to our body. Here is a piece on Aloevera .. Yuck! you say? if you take your time to understand it benefits, you will be able to see that behind that greenish or bitter plant lies abundant healing, Enjoy!

Aloe vera is an impressive plant with an amazing variety of healing benefits. In a single plant, aloe vera offers a potent, natural cure for many internal and external conditions and its medicinal potential makes it a must-have plant for every home.

The gel found inside the aloe vera plant is made up of water, 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids and 200 active plant compounds or phytonutrients, which are responsible for the plant’s remarkable healing properties.

The use of aloe vera topically, to relieve sunburn or painful joints, for example is well known. However, this versatile plant has also been shown to:

•             Halt the growth of cancer tumors

•             Lower high cholesterol and high blood pressure

•             Ease inflammation and soothe arthritis pain

•             Protect the body from oxidative stress

•             Cure ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive disorders

•             Alkalize the body and nourish it with minerals, vitamins and enzymes

•             Accelerate healing from burns

Aloe Vera Reduces inflammation and Boosts the Immune System

Aloe has been found to ease the inflammation of joints, including reducing arthritis pain, when used both topically and internally. One study found that people who drank aloe vera for two weeks began to experience a significant reduction of inflammation symptoms.

Aloe vera contains acemannan, a natural immune booster. Studies have also shown that when aloe is taken internally it can stimulate and regulate the immune system by stopping inflammation and cutting off the blood supply of tumors.

Aloe vera also amplifies the antioxidant effects of vitamins. It makes Vitamin C, Vitamin E and other antioxidants work better, probably due to its effect on enhancing blood quality and allowing the blood to more effectively transport oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells.

Aloe Vera Destroys Cancer

Research into the anti-cancer effects of acemannan, a phytonutrient found in aloe vera, found promising results. In one study, dogs and cats undergoing radiation for cancer were given acemannan. Not only did the tumors shrink more in the acemannan-treated group, but post-treatment survival was significantly extended.

Another study demonstrated that acemannan increased cells’ production of nitric oxide (NO), an anti-cancer chemical strongly associated with the shrinking of cancer tumors.

Although this particular research was focused on chickens, the same effect has also been observed in humans.

In other studies, aloe vera showed a marked result in producing remission in skin cancers. Its highly effective antioxidant effect has also been found to help prevent skin damage from x-rays and other forms of radiation.

Aloe Vera Stabilizes blood sugar Levels

Diabetic patients who took aloe vera for 3 months experienced a significant drop in fasting blood sugar levels. They also had lower cholesterol levels and slight improvements in total cholesterol. Numerous clinical studies have been published that demonstrate aloe vera’s anti-diabetic properties.

Aloe Vera Heals burns, Cuts and Scrapes

Aloe vera is nature’s first aid kit. It is antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal, making it extremely effective in wound care. Placed directly on or in the wound, aloe vera gel kills bacteria, prevents infection and actually nourishes the damaged tissues while sealing the wound against infection.

Aloe has been known to heal third-degree burn victims with no scarring and to restore burned skin that would have normally died.

Studies confirmed that wounds treated with aloe heal far faster than other wounds not so treated – both for traumatic as well as surgical wounds.

The juice is also effective for the treatment of minor wounds and insect bites by forming a “natural plaster” over the wound.

Aloe Vera Extends Lifespan

A study on rats showed that aloe vera extended lifespan by 10 percent. The study also found that the rats had a less incidence of blood clots in the heart, less kidney disorders, a slightly lower incidence of fatal leukemia and fewer causes of death compared to the control group. Also, no adverse, toxic effects were found with the ingestion of aloe vera.

Aloe Vera Enhances skin Health

Aloe is one of the most widely-used ingredients in skin care products. This is because it is great for the skin. Aloe soothes the skin, hydrates it, nourishes it and accelerates the regeneration of new skin tissue. It also enhances skin health when used internally, such as when added to juices.

Externally, aloe vera gel can be applied directly to the skin as a softening agent and used for the treatment of:

•             skin irritation

•             burns and scalds

•             sunburn

•             wounds

•             eczema

•             psoriasis

•             acne

•             dermatitis

•             ulcers

This is just a selection of the conditions that aloe vera is known to improve or cure. For more information or for further studies, search on Google Scholar.

How to Use aloe Vera

Aloe vera plants are easy to care for. They need bright light and water every two weeks to grow and stay healthy, so keep your plant on a sunny windowsill.

Aloe vera is most effective when used fresh so use it as soon as it is removed from the plant.

The gel found inside the aloe vera leaf contains its health benefits. To extract this gel, cut off a large leaf from the plant. Either strip away the green leaf from around the gel using a knife, or squeeze the gel out. The plant will heal up around the cut leaf, and will not become infected, due to aloe’s anti-bacterial properties.

Apply this cool, soothing gel directly onto the skin, or use it internally by adding it to fresh juices.



Beauty isn’t all about the worldly accessories…

<<I lot of times we see the rich and might loaded with tons of uneasiness. While few times, we see happy faces with little and wonder how they do it… You want to be truly happy?! then you have to re-define what gives you peace and satisfaction. With this thought-line i advice you use these tips and you will insha Allah be pretty and attractive always!!
Ma’ Salam>>

Beauty Tips for Muslim sisters…. by KING-slave of ALLAH!

My dear sisters in Islam,

This post is specially for you,Please take a look at this advice, so that you can stay attractive and beautiful for the rest of your life.

1- To beautify your eyes, lower your gaze towards strange men; this will make your eyes pure and shiny.

2- To beautify your face and make it shiny, keep doing wudu minimum five times a day.

3- To have attractive lips, always mention Allah and remember to speak the truth.

4- As for blush and rouge, “Modesty” (Haya) is one of the best brands and it can be found in any of the Islamic centers.

5- To remove impurities from your face and body, use a soap called “Astaghfaar” (seeking forgiveness of Allah) this soap will remove many bad deeds.

6- Now about your hair, if any of you has a problem of split ends, then I suggest “Islamic Hijab” which will protect your hair from damage.

7- As for jewelry, beautify your hands with humbleness and let your hands be generous and give charity to the poor.

8- To avoid heart disease, forgive people who hurt your feelings.

9- Your necklace should be a sign to pardon your fellow brothers and sisters.

If you follow these advices given to you by the Creator, you will have a beautiful and attractive inner and outer appearance.

Abu Mas’ud ‘Uqbah bin ‘Amr al-Ansari al-Badri, radiyallahu ‘anhu, reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said:

“Among the things that people have found from the words of the previous prophets was: ‘If you feel no shame, then do as you wish.’”

and I hope you know,beauty comes from Inside not from outlook.

May Allah help us all, and show us the right path…Ameen….

SOURCE: http://islamgreatreligion.wordpress.com/2009/04/20/beauty-tips-for-muslim-sisters/